Strategy Deployment and Change Management

Overcome the gap between organizational performance and expectations, organizations recognize the need for change to achieve competitive advantage , maintain viability over time , address changing regulations …

Your needs:

  • The whole organization execute business and operation strategy in a structured way and easy to monitor
  • Overcome resistance to change through a systematic change management project
  • Anticipate and adapt in a proactive way any performance, expectation gap

Our solution :

2OE consulting offers a variety of best practices that help organization deploy their strategy among the hole company ( hoshin kanri ), support managing change and mitigate risks ( congruence model , Kotter transformation approach …)

Value proposition for our customer :

  • Translate your business and operation strategy into a set of generic performances among the hole organization (use of hoshin Kanri & A3 methodology)
  • Communicate and lead change in a systematic approach that overcome resistance to change
  • Mitigate potential riskValue