Process optimization & Business Process Re-engineering

Driving cost reduction, improving process efficiency and optimize resources utilization , come through eliminating waste and working on bottleneck sub-processes.

Your needs:

Modern organization are always chasing different kind of wastes through their processes in order to improve their margin by optimum utilization of their resources ( labor , raw material ,machines utilization , space …)
Enterprises are under pressure to reduce their working capital and improve their cash-flow situation.

Our solution :

2OE consulting use a multitude of world class best practices that enable our customers to optimize and re-engineer their processes if need.
Among these practical tools: lean manufacturing , six sigma, Kata approch ,QRQC , Hoshin Kanri, quality improvement tools …

Value proposition for our customer:

  • Efficiency and utilization improvement of manufacturing and service companies through lean manufacturing implementation ( SMED, Kaizen, JIT,5S,Visual management, Kanban, TPM, SW…)
  • Quality improvement through practical problem solving tools (QRQC , error proofing ,MSA FMEA, DOE, SPC…)
  • WIP & raw material stock optimization in order to reduce material year end losses and improve the cash flow situation
  • Get the real picture of processes in the company that need to be  mproved first ( VSM tool )
  • Improve company On time delivery (OTD) through supply chain optimization